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Switch on multiple optional values simultaneously

Utilizing tuple patterns in switch statements offers a robust way to handle multiple optional values simultaneously, allowing for clean and concise management of various combinations of those values.

Consider a scenario where we have two optional integers, optionalInt1 and optionalInt2. Depending on their values, we might want to execute different actions. Here’s how we can use a tuple pattern to elegantly address each possible combination of these optional integers.

var optionalInt1: Int? = 1
var optionalInt2: Int? = nil

switch (optionalInt1, optionalInt2) {
case let (value1?, value2?):
    print("Both have values: \(value1) and \(value2)")
case let (value1?, nil):
    print("First has a value: \(value1), second is nil")
case let (nil, value2?):
    print("First is nil, second has a value: \(value2)")
case (nil, nil):
    print("Both are nil")

In this example, the switch statement checks the tuple (optionalInt1, optionalInt2). The first case matches when both elements in the tuple are non-nil. Here, each value is unwrapped and available for use within the case block. The second and third cases handle the scenarios where one of the optionals is nil, and the other contains a value. The final case addresses the situation where both optionals are nil, allowing us to define a clear action for this scenario.

By structuring the switch this way, each combination of presence and absence of values is handled explicitly, making the code both easier to follow and maintain. This method significantly reduces the complexity that typically arises from nested if-else conditions and provides a straightforward approach to branching logic based on multiple optional values.

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